What i feel

meaning and purpose of life

nature is god

There are many types of people in this world who are living their lives on the basis of their thinking. Everyone is involved in the race of life! Beating each other has become the aim of life! No one has time today! Not even for our own people! Everyone is living life, but there is no peace anywhere! Forget about knowing about God (Nature), these days even God is under doubt! God has become many from one! Now there is a fight on this matter, which God is the best?

Is this life? Should we just struggle from birth to death? What is the meaning and purpose of life?

What should we do for a calm and peaceful life? a few lines

Do not earn in such a way that you become a sin.

Don’t spend so much that you end up in debt

Don’t eat in such a way that you get sick

Don’t speak in such a way that it may cause distress.

don’t walk like that you’ll be late

Don’t think like this that you will get worried

But nowadays man does the opposite! Sometimes I wonder who is crazy?

Man’s life is an important blessing! This is an invaluable opportunity to know about God! Missing this opportunity is the biggest loss of all!

Man’s life will be meaningful if it is useful to someone else. The purpose of human life is to know about God, i.e. salvation!

To know about God, there must first be a strong desire in the mind of man. That desire will not come unless the heart of man is pure. Serving others purifies the heart! Everyone lives for himself but the one who lives for others is always remembered.

Two meals a day to eat, necessary clothes for the body and a house to live in are the minimum requirements of a human being. Those who do not have this luck need help, and those who have more than this should help.

“Give and give more, your coffers will never be empty.”

Donation is a heart purifying action. Live what is given!

A person should be like salt, if it is present in the food then it is not visible and if it is not there then its absence is felt.

The meaning of man’s life will be complete only when it is useful to someone else.

The purpose of human life is to know God! Man should strive for this purpose!

There will be many obstacles in this! But only continuous effort brings success! A slowly flowing stream makes a hole in the stone. There should be continuous effort! If you stand for a cause then stand like a tree! And if you have to fall, fall like a seed so that you can grow again to fulfill that purpose. Defeat does not happen by falling, defeat happens when no more effort is made.

Our aim should be to know God by using this precious human life in the right path. This is certainly difficult but not impossible!

If we do what we have been doing, we will get what we have always got! We must do something else to attain God!



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